Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fun at the Rinks

Last weekend, we took a trip to Johnstown to see Disney's on Ice Finding Nemo. The show was amazing, and both Carsyn and Tanner really enjoyed it. If you ever see this passing through near your town, we highly recommend it (

Also, this past Friday, we went to a place called Penn Skates for Friday Family night where they open the rink to bikes, scooters, etc. as well as normal roller skating. What a blast! Tanner thought he was so cool riding his bike saying "I'm faster than you" to anyone looking his way. Carsyn enjoyed taking in the scene on a stroller cruise. I guess Tanner seeing Amber put on those skates motivated him because by the end of the night, he was riding on eight wheels - even graduated to not holding onto our hands!

Hope all is well and you all hang in there through the rest of the winter - Spring can't come soon enough!

Don't let go!!!

I love my pizza...

Amber's friend Diane skating Carsyn around the rink...

And he's off on his own!!!

Carsyn digging the music...

Yep, that's Carsyn sitting on potty already. We did a little experiment a couple months ago - trying to motivate the other one in the house. Well, didn't expect that tinkle the first time sitting. Nor did we expect the other surprise she left us a couple weeks later. Since then, we've had several successful deposits. Amazing, and absolutely so funny- particularly when she is giggling hysterically through the whole thing...

Who would have thought this would be so fun?

Finally, had to share this one. Supposedly Miss Carsyn is known as "the good eater" in her classroom at school. Here's a sample...oh, and by the way, she joined the clean plate club this night...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ligetti House Humor

Tanner: Knock Knock

Daddy: Who's there?

Tanner: Panther

Daddy: Panther who?

Tanner: Panther no pants, I'm going swimming!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Surgery a Success!!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that Carsyn's procedure this morning to have tubes put in both ears went very well, and we're hoping that she's going to be feeling better in the coming months. She got to the hospital at 6:30 AM and we were home by 8:00. She was a little fussy for the hour after the procedure but seemed back to her normal self after a short nap. Thank you all for keeping her in your thoughts and prayers.

Five minutes before going back with the nurse...too clueless to be upset yet : )

And back to her playful self playing "where's Carsyn" with Daddy...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy (Belated) New Year!!!

Hello family and friends! We hope you all had a great Christmas season and a very Happy New Year. We had a wonderful Christmas. We spent some alone time, just the four of us, on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, spent the rest of Christmas and the next day in Ohio with Amber's parents and family, and finally, a few days in Pittsburgh to see Chris's family before finally heading home. Below are some pictures from the past few weeks.

The kids are doing well despite both fighting the neverending winter colds. Please keep Carsyn in your prayers this week as she will be getting tubes for her ears on Thursday (1/14). She's a trooper, and we're hoping she will finally get some relief from her repeated ear infections. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts.

We visited a tree farm on Christmas Eve morning to see some reindeer. There were only two still there, but they were a lot of fun to see. Tanner was really excited, especially when the one actually ate the carrots we brought to feed them...

It was so cold that day, but much better after snuggling with Daddy...

Mommy and the kids prepping the snacks for Santa and his reindeer...

They must have liked them! All except for that last bite of carrot...

Tanner was more than happy to help Carsyn open his gift to her (the wagon he built at Home Depot)...

Mommy and two happy kids on Christmas morning...

Mrs. Clause certainly had Tanner in mind for a cold winter ahead...

Future hero at Grandma and Pap Pap Lloyd's house...

Tanner playing Twister with Daddy (who took things a little too seriously - a bit sore the next morning!)...

Santa Claus visiting Aunt Kamryn and Uncle Rob's house in Pittsburgh. Can you believe it that Pop Pop Ligetti missed it AGAIN this year...

We weren't letting him go without getting at least one of our kids getting a picture with him (she got over it)...

One 5 yr old + one nearly 5 yr old + one 4 yr old + 2 three yr olds = HOLY COW. Chaos!

Tanner with cousins Carter and Dane...

Carsyn saying "check out my loot stack!"

Tanner went bowling with cousins Landon and Dane on our last day in Pittsburgh. He had a lot of fun, but still has a black and blue finger nail from a little smashing : ( ...

Little Miss Carsyn chilling on the couch...

A relaxing evening for Tanner, Mia, Dane, Landon, and Pop Pop...

Finally, home sweet home. Time to relax...

We had the best snow man (and snow ball) making snow fall before New Years. Tanner had a lot of fun making this snowman with Daddy and Pop Pop...