Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas with the Lloyd's

We spent the day after Christmas at Amber's brother's house to celebrate with the Lloyd family. The one nice thing about having to bounce between families on Christmas (especially for the kids) is the excitement of another tree with loads of presents underneath.

Carsyn, wearing her new Twinkle Toes shoes, ripping open another one...

Tanner's turn...

Amber and soon to be even though we already call her Aunt Ashley...

Tanner was a great deliverer of the gifts to the whole family...

Carsyn checking out her super cool dress up trunk that Grandma and Pap Pap got her. Oh the fun we're going to have...

They weren't really sleeping, but couldn't resist taking this one of the sleepy kids...

Grandma and Pap Pap got Tanner a sled for Christmas. Carsyn got a big kick out of trying to pull around her big brother...

Keep pulling!!!

Uncle Jason and Ashley. They're getting married in July, 2011 and we're all very excited for them...

Finally, our two monkey's doing what they do best - monkeying around...