Monday, September 5, 2011

First "Real" Day of School

Since the parents went with the Kindergarten kids on the first day of school, Tanner's first day on the bus was actually his second day of school. Our bus stop is right next door which is going to be very convenient.

As you can see, we have a lot of kids at the stop (and apparently, it grew the next two days)...

Carsyn chasing Tanner around...

What a bunch of enthusiastic learners!

Tanner talking with Preston from across the street (he was trying to line up who he was going to sit with on the bus)...

Preston may have pulled the "I'm in first grade" card...

Carsyn was happy here, but when the bus drove away and Daddy said goodbye to go off to work, she was literally devastated...

Here we go!!!

One final wave goodbye...

We have a feeling there are going to be some fun times on bus 68 this year...